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You should know the areas of Istanbul

September 25, 2023
Istanbul is a vast and diverse city, with a range of neighborhoods and suburbs to suit every taste and budget. Whet ...
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Living Expenses in Turkey

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, it’s important to consider the cost of living in the country. While Tu ...
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Galata Port

September 25, 2023
From Gucci Chanel to Rolex and Louis Vuitton, the world’s largest luxury brands gather at Galata Port. Istanb ...
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Symbols of Istanbul

September 25, 2023
1. Authentic Turkish coffee: Turkish coffee is a very delicious hot drink, coffee is basically a very lovely bean t ...
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Urban Transformation in Turkey

September 25, 2023
The concept of urban transformation with the aim of becoming a city of better life, which shapes the different regi ...
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Experiences in Istanbul

September 25, 2023
Eat Islak Hamburger (Steamed Burger) in Taksim: The best food to end a crazy night is a steamed burger. Later in th ...
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Ottoman Miniature

September 25, 2023
Ottoman miniature or Turkish miniature was a Turkish art form in the Ottoman Empire, which can be linked to the Per ...
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Hollywood movies filmed in turkey

September 25, 2023
1. Skyfall: The opening sequence starts in the Eminönü neighborhood in the heart of Istanbul. Bond enters the old D ...
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