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Payment with Cryptocurrency

September 25, 2023
Majesty Turkey is proud to offer a unique service that allows clients to pay for properties in Turkey using cryptoc ...
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Brand new property VS second hand property

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, you may be wondering whether to buy a second hand property or a new property ...
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Difference Between Gross & Net Square M...

September 25, 2023
When shopping for a property in Turkey, you may come across the terms “gross square meters” and “ ...
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Earthquake & Your Property

September 25, 2023
Turkey is a country with a rich history and a diverse landscape, and it has attracted many people who are intereste ...
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You should know the areas of Istanbul

September 25, 2023
Istanbul is a vast and diverse city, with a range of neighborhoods and suburbs to suit every taste and budget. Whet ...
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Living Expenses in Turkey

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, it’s important to consider the cost of living in the country. While Tu ...
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Money Transaction to Turkey

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, it’s important to have a reliable and secure way to transfer funds to ...
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Online Sales Services

September 25, 2023
At Majesty Turkey, we understand that not all of our clients are able to travel to Turkey to view properties in per ...
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Property Evaluation Report

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, it’s important to ensure that you are paying a fair price for the prop ...
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Property Purchase Taxes

September 25, 2023
As an investor in Turkish real estate, it’s important to understand the property taxes that apply to your inv ...
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