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Why Invest in Turkey?

Posted by Majesty on September 25, 2023

If Turkey is the center of a circle and its radius is a flight time of 4 hours, this circled world constitutes 1/4 of the world’s national product and 1/4 of the world’s population. If flying west from Turkey, it will take him four hours to fly to the UK, and if flying east from Turkey, it will take him four hours to Dubai in the UAE in the east. The convenience of being able to access these major property market locations makes Turkey a great destination for foreign investors. In recent years, investors have increasingly recognized Turkey’s potential. Between 1993 and 2002, foreign direct investment inflows into Turkey averaged around $1 billion. In 2003, that number increased to $1.7 billion and in 2004 to $2.6 billion. The foreign direct investment brought to Turkey in 2005 reached his US$9.7 billion is a remarkable record. Foreign direct investment inflows in 2006 reached almost US$19.8 billion. 15% of this figure, or about $2.9 billion, was in the real estate sector, according to a Turkish Finance Ministry report. Total foreign direct investment in October 2007 reached $16 billion, a slight increase over the same period last year. According to the UNCTAD report, Turkey, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates remain the largest recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) in West Asia, together accounting for almost a fifth of the total inflows to the region. occupies 4. Several large cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and the privatization of economic services have made Turkey the largest recipient country, doubling her 2006 inflows to her $20 billion. I was. Given the region’s high GDP growth and ongoing economic reforms, the trend of increasing foreign direct investment in West Asia is likely to continue, the report argues. Turkey is well-positioned to benefit from Kuwait’s foreign direct investment, having contributed nearly half of the region’s total foreign direct investment and will likely continue to do so. foreign direct investment is likely to continue to rise due to higher oil prices and a growing supply of gasoline dollars for West Asian countries and companies to speculate elsewhere. The 2007 Private Equity Confidence Survey, which included 30 private equity investors in Turkey, showed that the country was largely unaffected by the US subprime mortgage crisis. Trusted by private equity investors, Turkey is seen as a ‘safe haven’ despite global market uncertainty. If you are looking for a comprehensive collection of Turkish luxury properties, please visit our website [] or contact us at

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